The Solution for Energy Efficient Heating for Homes, Offices, Warehouses and Utility Facilities.

A revolutionary, innovative solution for energy efficient heating for homes, offices, warehouses and utility facilities:  Saiterm   Infrared rays emitted by the sun, are a natural form of heating, the most effective and perceived by man as the most comfortable. The SPRING system, a revolutionary and unique product in the world, to enhance the quality of infrared heating and incredibly increases the efficiency and usability of energy. Infrared rays do not heat the air, but it gives heat to people and everything that surrounds us, walls, objects, and so on. The heat radiated by the SPRING system is evenly distributed and carries enveloping and natural comfort. The SPRING system, with its extraordinary, revolutionary and patented innovations, turns every watt into pure heat.

Saiterm's Main Goals Subscribe to Wellbeing, Improve to Accommodate Both the Ecosystem and Inefficiency.

This stage is intended to build up the most recent technology services and products, which might be made to decrease energy consumption and emissions.

An innovative and revolutionary solution for energy efficient heating for homes, offices, warehouses and utility centers. Infrared light emitted by the sun can be a form of natural warming, which is most effective and felt by most humans as the most comfortable. The SPRING platform, a revolutionary and one of a kind product on earth, enhances the quality of infrared heating and significantly raises energy efficiency and endurance.

Infrared rays do not warm the air but provide warmth for people and all that surrounds walls, items and so on. Eplo produced by the SPRING process is dispersed equally and wraps as well as natural relaxation. SPRING system, because of extraordinary, revolutionary and patented innovations, this changes every watt into pure heat.

Saiterm Systems
Saiterm ensures energy efficiency in domestic heating and industrial heat treatment through its Spring and Radiant systems which provides the users with numerous benefits such a healthy domestic and work environment, improved productivity and reduced processing and emission costs.

The spring heating system will be extraordinary products that enhance the quality of infrared heating from the sun, which will subsequently improve energy efficiency and comfort. The spring panels manufactured by Saiterm will absorb all the infrared emitted by the sun rays and convert them to heat.

The heat produced will then be transferred to the front surface that emits the heat. A radiant surface made of a special alloy receives the heat and disperses it into the environment in an effective way. The Spring DHS integrated into the panels allows users to attain the required room temperature in a short amount of time.

The Saiterm Radiant system is an endothermic panel for car body shops that reduces the electricity consumption while ensuring that efficiency is at a maximum. Users can manage all the phases of painting automatically using their smartphone or tablet.

Token Structure
The SAIEX Tokens can be used to purchase current Saiterm goods, as well as to buy innovative services and products that Saiterm will introduce to the market in 20-19. The products which we are going to contain in 2019 are associated with air conditioning, light, video surveillance, and sound diffusion, implemented either to the residential /civic sector and to specific commercial and industrial pursuits.

It is going to, therefore, be possible to obtain the future and present Saiterm products using the SAIEX Tokens, in addition to any thermotechnical structure, applications or system direction software provided by Saiterm. Salter is irrevocably committed to attempting to sell its own products in the list, into the evaluation of 1SAIEX Token = 1 USD up into this day on which the SAIEX TOKEN will proceed as a swap.

Name: SAIEX Token
Symbol: SAIEX
Token total supply: 100 000 000
Decimals: 18
Reserved for ICO: 50 000 000
Soft Cap/Goal: 1M USD
Hard cap: 50M USD
Token standard: EIP/ERC-20 compatible
Blockchain: Ethereum
Mintable: no (no more tokens can be created)
Burnable: yes (unsold token will be burned)

Details Information:

Author: March21
